Free TV Project and Legal

By: David Rader II on October 13, 2007 @ 5:26 AM

This is an ongoing project to keep a fresh and working list of free tv sources. Please share a link to this page, because the more people that visit it, the more time I can devote to keeping it updated.
Updated September 13, 2009.
Added Hulu and Crackle!
Updated August 01, 2008.

All links require no registration and were screened to be legal! Here's the list!
Please inform me if you find illegal content.

Crackle - Full Movies and Series

HULU - Full Movies and Series Here Too




AMC TV (Potential popups here)

Big Ten Network (Sports clips)


Discovery Channel

Discovery Health

Discovery Science

Military Channel

History Channel

Indipendant Film Channel

Music Television (MTV)

Life Skool (New and content filled like a jelly Donut!)

National Geographic

National Lampoon


The Learning Channel

Thirty Mile Zone (Celebrities)

Travel Channel




The Suite Spot



If those commercial suppliers don't suit your desires there is a wealth of websites which provide video, but often of less quality.
(Review: Generally riddled with static advertisements, but huge selection - I did a quick scan for pop-ups and found none to mention and no viruses. If you find any please email me and I'll remove them from this list.) (Good interface, little ads)

Websites offering only teaser-ish videos (usually only clips less than 3 mins long: A&E, AMC, Fuse, Fuel, HBO, (Huge free movies selection)
ViewMy (Very nice interface, not riddled with ads)

Common Plugins required to watch these channels (in order by most likely to be used)
Flash Player
Windows Media Player
Divx Web Player

Don't forget to help keep barbed wires off of the internet!

#1 Moby July 02, 2008 @ 5:29 AM
Nice list, tvchannelsfree I found was riddled with old links or channels that don't work quite well. freetv online was quite the same.

FreeTube was excellent, and wwitv is ok but it lacks the ambience and theres a few too many ads for my taste.

#2 David Rader August 01, 2008 @ 8:48 PM
Thank you for letting me know Moby! I've just removed them! Let me know if you know of any better ones to replace those with please! Thanks!

#3 Sire August 17, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
That's quite a list David. I checked out the FOX station but it's only available to you guys in the States which is probably a good thing because it would have staffed up my bandwidth anyway.

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