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The Words: Videos
Articles mentioning "Videos".
Finally, I'm a Netflix Affiliate - 2010-04-02 19:04:13
I've liked Netflix since the first time we met. She has online videos- I think that's hot. After boasting about them for a while, I decided to sign up for their affiliate program. This way, I can get paid while I'm boasting them, something I enjoy doing (when I watch a good film).

Cute Japanese or Chinese Kitty - 2008-01-28 02:35:50
This little orange cat is pretty popular on the web. It's ears seem shorter and fold forwards unlike other house cats (at least in USA), but it makes it cute. Kind of like a bulldog, except more orange.

Huge Video Host List - 2007-12-04 14:13:35
Now you have a snazzy list to help you figure out which company out of this list of over 100 video hosts will have the honor of hosting your videos!

Free TV Project and Legal - 2007-10-13 05:26:12
Using the tools provided here, you can legally get free movies, new series, live streaming local news, cartoons, sports, and much much more on your computer from the internet. This will allow you to use your computer as a TV. With the right video out card, you can even hook your normal TV set up to your computer and play the free videos you find here on your likely bigger TVs. One day cable TV and likely satellite television as we know it is very likely to be obsolete... Using a video out card is a great way to keep our out-dated TV's up to speed with our modern computers.

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