Articles mentioning "Movies".
Download Free Movies!!! - 2008-08-17 08:59:23
OMGZERS THe best whole place on the internet to download free movies is HERE. Just take a look around, they're litterally EVERYWHERE. From top to bottom, they look, feel, and thankfully even SMELL like they're here.

Backing Up a DVD Free tutorial - 2008-07-22 12:01:09
This dvd backing up tutorial will show you step-by-step how to backup your favorite DVD's for free to ensure you can watch them for years to come.

Interrupting A Wedding - 2008-07-14 19:05:35
Have you ever noticed whenever someone wants to stop someone from getting married in movies, they always enter in at just the time the preacher says "speak now or forever hold your peace!"

Free TV Project and Legal - 2007-10-13 05:26:12
Using the tools provided here, you can legally get free movies, new series, live streaming local news, cartoons, sports, and much much more on your computer from the internet. This will allow you to use your computer as a TV. With the right video out card, you can even hook your normal TV set up to your computer and play the free videos you find here on your likely bigger TVs. One day cable TV and likely satellite television as we know it is very likely to be obsolete... Using a video out card is a great way to keep our out-dated TV's up to speed with our modern computers.

Are Movies More Important Than Our Conversations - 2007-08-09 04:52:29
When someone is having a conversation with someone, especially people they are around often, usually who they care most about, and the phone rings, they usually take the call, and speak with the caller until what was intended to be said was said.

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