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The Words: Tv
Articles mentioning "Tv".
Dundalk TV - 2013-01-05 20:49:41
This article is a promotion for Dundalk TV hosted by Scott Collier.

Back To The Future got some things right! - 2010-07-19 20:14:46
In my search for a cheap HDTV, I did not expect to find an HDTV with a camera integrated into it, I did expect to find an expensive one. While searching for even an expensive webcam integrated TV, I found none. Why is this? Perhaps they're making enough money as it is, or perhaps there's no common medium through which to travel (especially one that integrates well for good ease of use/interface for non-tech-savvy users). Whatever the case, our TVs need webcams so we can have live chat, like in Back to the Future.

Mister Fred Rogers PBS - 2008-08-19 14:02:25
When I was little I used to watched Mister Rodgers on PBS and I enjoyed it. Now that I've got a little one of my own, I'm watching Mr. Rogers all over again! I can't say that I'm as entertained as before, but it's easy to feel relaxed watching it with my kid.

Free TV Project and Legal - 2007-10-13 05:26:12
Using the tools provided here, you can legally get free movies, new series, live streaming local news, cartoons, sports, and much much more on your computer from the internet. This will allow you to use your computer as a TV. With the right video out card, you can even hook your normal TV set up to your computer and play the free videos you find here on your likely bigger TVs. One day cable TV and likely satellite television as we know it is very likely to be obsolete... Using a video out card is a great way to keep our out-dated TV's up to speed with our modern computers.

Nine Eleven IRF Muslim Video - 2007-07-14 18:28:31
An Islamic / Muslim PeaceTV Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) informational session to what appears to be neighbors (near by peoples). The audience is captivated by the speakers nine eleven information, which seems to have most of his nine eleven information drawn from American influence. So basically, this speaker is teaching what may be Muslims who don't get to hear the American publics opinions, which show that much of the American public is very concerned against wrong-doing.

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