Hear without Ears

By: David Rader II on August 19, 2008 @ 2:34 AM

The different sensing organs we have are all the same except one major difference, they interpret different ranges of the same spectrum. As I've mentioned before, sometimes they overlap (proving this is a fact, not a theory). Just like people will be able to see with their tongue in the future using the technology of the BrainPort or similar, people will also be able to hear with their tongue, or another organ with profound sensing capabilities, like the skin, or even eyes.

There are many ways that a deaf person can regain their ability to interpret sound, which is akin to regain hearing loss. While in the beginning stages, the technology would likely produce very cloudy results, as with the current status of the BrainPort, the prospect is more than hopeful. Not only is is definitely possible, but the technology could go beyond picking up the normal range of hearing.

I think a major goal for developers, scientists, and inventors in regards to projects which aim to give birth to or revive senses should be to aim wide. This will make sure that all known technologies are taken into consideration. For example, while processing the normal human hearing range in a way to be equally interpreted by the skin may be temporarily difficult due to determining small differences, so this can while not equally be made up for in terms of quality, but none the less be made up for with a wider range of sound interpretation, not necessarily considered when the aim is narrow to revive a very specific range of sensation. Such as very high pitched to very low pitched.

While this type of "making up for" a sense may seem clumsy on the outside, on the inside it's much more elegant, as having a wider range of vibration interpretations, while not the same, would add the the ability to triangulate the object of perception (a particular sound). Another example is if the texture of sound must be temporarily sacrificed, then the interpretation of its volumes should be increased. The body's senses typically work by heightening another sense to make up for the lack of another sense.

If you would like me to build a device for portable sound interpretation by means other than ears, please contact me through a message or a comment right here in this article. I'm going to be honest by saying I don't know how much it will cost, how long it will take, or even how high the quality will be for a prototype. I've never built one of these before, so I don't know. The fact is though, that if you sponsor me I will build one of these. If you want, I could also offer a consultation for suggestions or stimulate solutions for others who are trying to develop such a project. No matter who does what, I just hope that someone does develop this.

Interesting links:
BrainPort video
Perception of senses

Tags: deaf senses spectrum 

#1 TOM Sawyer February 20, 2012 @ 9:18 PM
Why don't you build a neurophone the patent is on file? It must have expired by now. IF you think you could build one for private use not for sale, I could sensor you.

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