I LIKE watching Advertisements Sometimes By: David Rader II on December 29, 2011 @ 7:23 PM
When watching Netflix streaming videos, sometimes I wish there were trailers for other movies... Even if from the same company who made the movie. I don't watch much TV anymore... How is a movie lover to learn of new movies? Leave Netflix and go to YouTube? Not a good gameplan, Netflix.
Also, on YouTube, I often don't click "Skip this" when I have the chance to skip an advertisement, but I still want to skip within it. If you'll let me skip it, why wont you let me skip around within it? This just makes me skip it totally more often.
#1surgeon November 23, 2012 @ 7:51 AM
Yes,some advertise touches your heart.That time even when it is recorded program & remote control with fast forward button on it, you tend to stop specially for that advertise.