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Swallow My Ego: Poems
Swallow My Ego

By: David Rader II on September 27, 2008 @ 12:58 PM

I have not done a painting in months
Maybe a year so no one wants
To comment on my images.
I feel not angry though unsatisfied
This way I can make my ego a thing that died
or at least is harnessed to be allied.
I want to set my ego free without loosing me
But I want my dignity and my way of life to be
Respectable and worthy to call myself a human
Because in my book we can rise above so we should.

I want to loose myself in a painting
I want to loose myself in everything
That I attempt to experience
From beyond the fence.
I want to find a river that I can swallow
Something that will make me feel not hollow
I want nothing if that's what I need
Tell me what I need to feed to stop the bleed
I need to find and understand
Why I am the way I am
What I can do to help you
What I can stop to slow the clock.
I can make guesses without knowing
I suppose I could ask the road

Tags: ego painting poem 

#1 Kimmy September 28, 2008 @ 12:36 PM
I need to read more, but I really like your site.

Why I am the way I am
What I can do to help you

Those are powerful questions.

I want to set my ego free without loosing me
But I want my dignity and my way of life to be

Those are the answers.

I noticed recently that I have been trying to heal myself and others with words, although my actions have been a little self focused. I want to use my past achievements, to help others, and I can get a little in your face about it. Others sometimes see me as on a high horse, and with a wild ego.

I am now on the path to show a lot more gratitude.

Great blog, I cannot wait to read more!

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