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After watching the fireworks of the opening ceremony on TV last night, I thought I should share the moment with everyone who missed it (or wanted to see it again).
MoveOn.org is a worthless propaganda tool in the light of truth. Of course in the light darkness of disinformation, they're worth quite a penny as a propaganda machine I suppose.
After many hours of troubleshooting a wireless network, including hardwiring the computer to other the router (in a port with a wire working on another computer, we found a solution!
I used to be a technical support employee on the phones at Comcast. and it was a very pleasant experience. They had great benefits and the way they trained the employees really made me have a different outlook from a customer point of view as well, because they really respect their customers. Every business runs into problems that are tough to solve, but at Comcast they really have people even on the lowest end of the totem pole of superiority and workplace authority who try adamantly to get the problem solved... I was one of them.