Articles mentioning "Web".
RSS 2.0 With Images Example - 2015-06-14 12:43:27
I worked on a tiny bit of code for THREE hours, because there's little documentation on it. However, XML RSS 2.0 is still relevant. Here's a working example of RSS 2.0

New Logo and Marketing Buttons - 2011-07-17 19:49:56
I changed the logo again, as I do every once in a while just for fun. I also added facebook recommend buttons and Google plus.

The Great Chat - Best Articles of The Web 0002 - 2010-06-28 23:57:29
If there was a conversation throughout humanities time that has seemed to repeat itself, I just might call it a great one. Regarding spiritual matters, I thought it was an interesting read.

Keyboard Shortcuts - Best Articles of The Web 0001 - 2010-06-11 01:23:59
Who wouldn't mind an extra hour in the day? With keyboard shortcuts, sometimes it actually happens.

A Few Reshapings - 2010-01-21 22:30:44
I've restarted 3 blogs I had planned to join into this one and did so attempt, unsuccessfully. I've also started a new website for web designers and bloggers too.

Check Pageload Time - 2007-11-28 14:10:52
Have you ever wondered how fast your website loads? With browsing history and cookies in your browser, your website loads faster for you than new visitors with the same connection speeds.

Using Google Enhanced Image Search - 2007-09-27 15:17:57
While a much lower number of friends visit my website through image sources, it appears they like what they find on my site ( more than when they arrive at through regular searching.

XHTML Invalidator - 2007-09-17 14:11:42
An interesting way of letting people know your site isn't XHTML valid.

Picasa Web Google 404 Not Found - 2007-08-07 17:30:39
I've written this article to help Google solve what seems to be a problem in search.

Aggregate Search Suggestion Google or Yahoo - 2007-08-06 16:45:29
A feature suggestion for Google or Yahoo search to aggregate web searches for multiple user or publisher selected websites. This feature will help organize websites and link related pages and entire websites together. Right now, you have to search each one separately.

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