Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when session is active in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php:5) in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 6 The Words: Tea
I'm a firm believe of there's no safer way to travel the web than to know where you're going before you get there or know what your downloading before you download it- Link and File checking. Always check the URL. The video above shows you how to do that and gives some tips.
For the things I seek, I'm aware of no guidance or teachers except merciless curiosity. What keeps me seeking is a chosen belief in the thought that ignorance is akin to lifelessness.
Genestealer hybrids and magus (Old Style) that I painted a million years ago. They're on eBay now. I'm posting this picture here so eBay buyers can check out the bigger picture (eBay resizes the other picture too small, in my opinion).
The law is an attempt at establishing what's commonly perceived as right. Laws themselves is not always right. That is why the law is an "attempt," that is why we can appeal case settlements, because the law is not always right, and human intervention must be there to ensure that. However, with automating traffic ticket distribution, taking away an officers personal judgment, it is making it harder for human intervention to be possible. It's becoming ridiculous.
Using a tea bag, some nice tea has come from this, also known as teabagging or tea bagging. Very very interesting and educational video. You may experience something new here.