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The Words: Tab
Articles mentioning "Tab".
Eat Your Veggies WT - 2016-10-19 01:48:37
Eat your veggies

No Salt Added vs 50% Less Sodium - 2011-06-04 18:55:01
I've told numerous friends and family about it in person, explaining the huge difference in sodium. Now I've taken some pictures for my friends on the internet of DelMonte brand canned vegetables who have even started making a No Salt Added selection.

The Round Tangled - 2008-03-04 16:59:50
In a world where stating statistical information is considered negatively racist, whether true or not, perhaps a pun must be thrown for sense to be known. All stereotypes are not true, some stereotypes are, whether chosen to be perceived as good, bad, or not. The stereo doesn't stop playing just because someone's not listening. I think the problem arises when people only listen to one station. Denying the truth can seem a bit silly sometimes. Don't you think?

Programmable Wireless Pressure Sensitive Pen Tablet - 2007-09-29 04:46:40
this is an idea for a pen tablet like device without any cords and without any actual tablet. be prepared- punctuation and grammar not included in this article.

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