Articles mentioning "Sex".
Worlds Together - #TheDress - 2015-02-27 19:07:07
Hypocrisy abounds, that is - liars who do not know it.

When did you choose to be straight? - 2014-02-08 04:33:08
In a comment on a popular internet video, asking the question When did you choose to be straight I went on a little rant.

Found on eBay - MANKINI - 2008-07-17 13:31:47
Finally, you too can own a Mankini! Once sported by the now famous "Borat," the sexytime mankini is RIGHT FOR YOU!

Camel Toe Traffic Contest - 2008-07-13 07:56:54
There are a lot of ways to get traffic to your blog. One thing is certain though, sex sells and while free stuff doesn't sell, it's popular too! Who doesn't want free stuff? What about free sex?

Coming In Handy - 2008-02-05 09:44:47
Do things come in handy for you sometimes?

Exploding Condom - 2007-07-13 02:13:32
A guy blows up a condom through his nose. He talks, but as you may imagine, it's a little difficult to understand him. Practice safe sex, that doesn't mean you should put a condom on your face.

Homosexuality Moral and Righteous - 2007-07-04 09:34:41
Homosexuality can be morally righteous. If half of China became gay, what would happen to their population problem.

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