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I think that most atheists have a notion of religion they feel is wrong and assume that all religion and spirituality is somehow just like that other religion. I like religion.
A couple months ago on PBS, I saw a lecture or speech by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The speech was oriented on thoughts and meditations he had on each line of an ancient book. That book is the "Tao Teh Ching."
After many hours of troubleshooting a wireless network, including hardwiring the computer to other the router (in a port with a wire working on another computer, we found a solution!
Preventing Comment Spam" That's what Google says they're trying to do with the - rel="nofollow" - tags for HTML links. They even give an example of what they're talking about referring to links with text of "discount pharmaceuticals."
this is an idea for a pen tablet like device without any cords and without any actual tablet. be prepared- punctuation and grammar not included in this article.