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The Words: Port
Articles mentioning "Port".
HP Officejet Unable to send or receive faxes [FIXED] - 2012-07-01 17:59:01
To fix this problem, just unplug it, wait a minute, then plug it back in. That works most of the time.

Economic Struggles - A Time of Opportunity - 2009-02-04 23:35:05
There's something amidst going on right now in this time of economic struggle. Many jobs are being lost, many businesses hurting bad, some business gone for good. Amidst strife though, there is opportunity.

Maryland Comcast Job Experience - 2008-01-16 19:24:33
I used to be a technical support employee on the phones at Comcast. and it was a very pleasant experience. They had great benefits and the way they trained the employees really made me have a different outlook from a customer point of view as well, because they really respect their customers. Every business runs into problems that are tough to solve, but at Comcast they really have people even on the lowest end of the totem pole of superiority and workplace authority who try adamantly to get the problem solved... I was one of them.

No Dumping - 2007-11-28 19:59:16
This was a real picture taken by my wife, Dawn Rader. Apparently, someone doesn't want any "dumping" going on with their porta-potty!

Bushwacker Informative 1 - 2007-11-07 21:38:38
Here we learn what's REALLY out there. TJ Bushwacker teaches us who's watching us and how they're doing it.

Tin Foil Intro - 2007-11-07 19:17:31
This is TJ Bushwhacker, making his debut. He is an alien hunter (a mighty good one), wears tin foil hats for superior brain juice protections, he is in "the know." This is not comedy, it is that which is most serious and not funny.

Solve A Realtek Audio Front Port Problem - 2007-08-15 04:13:27
If you use the Realtek audio configuration software and the front audio ports aren't working on your computer, this will likely solve the issue.

Online Gaming Popularity - 2007-07-14 00:27:26
The popularity of online gaming seems to have been rising in recent years. And what do American's have to say about that? Not a whole lot, surprisingly. It's getting bigger in other countries and it's getting bigger in America too. The problem is, it's not getting the credit it duly deserves. Honestly, I can see internet gaming to become a more popular sport than even football.

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