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Picture I took while in Baltimore city, Maryland USA. Lots of power lines over an empty alley, other than a downed trashcan. This is part of an ongoing series regarding technology and it's effect on mankind. Personally, I don't think these power lines are pretty at all.
The funny thing about the Pentax concerning the firmware is it doesn't meter the battery properly. Rarely it tells me new batteries are dead and often it things old batteries are fully charged. Despite this, they recommend using it to judge the safety of an operation that could "brick" or make your camera inoperable.
This is a baby blooming bright yellow sunflower! I know it's amazing, you don't have to tell me. With the Sanyo digital camera, the sun flower and I were very intimate.
While a much lower number of friends visit my website through image sources, it appears they like what they find on my site (Chexed.com) more than when they arrive at Chexed.com through regular searching.
In my opinion the most important part about these services is that they enable you to share your photos more for free, but all of these services will get you paid by sharing your images and photos and why not? The people who we most currently host our images on make money from our hard work, so why shouldn't we too? They all also offer interesting communities to take part in as well if you choose.
A bumble bee gathers pollen from a sunflower here in this video. There's also some photos linked to in this article so you can have your visual appetite a little more fulfilled today.