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The Words: Oil
Articles mentioning "Oil".
Running Out of Oil - 2008-08-01 14:17:03
I sent a message to MoveOn.org (an obviously far direction of whatever wing they're on democratic group) with this message..

United States Energy Independence - 2008-04-23 14:19:44
I find it kind of funny in a ridiculous sense when (unfortunately it seems mostly republicans) people say or hint around that "we don't need alternative energy because we're not going to run out of oil anyway."

Tin Foil Intro - 2007-11-07 19:17:31
This is TJ Bushwhacker, making his debut. He is an alien hunter (a mighty good one), wears tin foil hats for superior brain juice protections, he is in "the know." This is not comedy, it is that which is most serious and not funny.

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