Articles mentioning "Knowledge".
Finding myself - 2014-08-29 23:28:14
The more I try earnestly to find myself, the more I find others. Therefor, to do the greatest good for myself, I must do good for others.

Macroni and Cheese Racism - 2013-06-08 23:55:14
I hate it because of the hate it brings, but the best way to combat it is to understand it. I may forever enjoy Macaroni and Cheese.

Net Neutrality with Obama and McCain - 2008-07-23 15:14:01
While some major telecom companies are pushing for control over the internet, we're still here fighting.

Seeing for the Blind - 2008-05-15 07:32:59
I've been trying to figure out a way to give sight to the blind using technology. Though it may seem like a far fetched idea, thankfully, I'm not the only one giving it some thought.

Vine Of Knowledge Makes Me Think of Molars VS Pliers - 2007-10-01 05:54:24
Vine of Knowledge makes me smarter, sip by sip. Thinking about pulling out my wisdom teeth (molars) with pliers too.

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