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The Words: Ii
Articles mentioning "Ii".
Quick Dots for your Docs (Bullets) - 2015-06-07 02:36:50
Ever need a bullet • for your document?

David Rader II Artist - 2008-01-02 10:08:40
Yes, tis me! I think the observables in this image can keep one looking for a while, and the imaginable is what makes this artistic.

Bushwacker Informative 1 - 2007-11-07 21:38:38
Here we learn what's REALLY out there. TJ Bushwacker teaches us who's watching us and how they're doing it.

Tin Foil Intro - 2007-11-07 19:17:31
This is TJ Bushwhacker, making his debut. He is an alien hunter (a mighty good one), wears tin foil hats for superior brain juice protections, he is in "the know." This is not comedy, it is that which is most serious and not funny.

Wii Wiimote Out of Control - 2007-07-14 18:59:01
A free video clip of someone with a sweaty hand using the Wiimote (Wii remote controller, for Nintendo Wii video game system). Apparently, the straps are too thin on the Wiimote.

Special Characters for ASCII Art - 2007-07-14 06:24:11
Nine hundred and sixty eight special characters for you to play around with for your ASCII or text art. Many of these work for many people, your internet browser (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox) doesn't seem to work, it's likely because you don't have the fonts on your computer, no biggie. A lot of these though you'll be able to use on websites like MySpace to spoof up your profile loudly or subtly, depending on where you put them. Not very many people know where to get these special characters (often referred to as ascii characters and used for text art, so you know).

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