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Materialism Owns you Owns me Package me Unwrap me Throw me way Feed waste Feed destruction Make war Make death Defend war Defend death Repeat Make a gun Make a shield Skip a cure Skip exploration Skip wonder Buy Dream not big Tinker not at all Build not substance Reuse not Destroy Recycle Repeat
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Where do we stand with each other in the universe?
We are so close in comparison to the vastness of the universe, we are practically standing should to shoulder with each other. We an easy going fluid.
I've told numerous friends and family about it in person, explaining the huge difference in sodium. Now I've taken some pictures for my friends on the internet of DelMonte brand canned vegetables who have even started making a No Salt Added selection.
If there was a conversation throughout humanities time that has seemed to repeat itself, I just might call it a great one. Regarding spiritual matters, I thought it was an interesting read.
The sad thing and also the greatest thing about human action is that no person can not do what they truly believe is wrong. Even the person who is doing wrong simply for the sake of doing wrong still believes that the wrong thing to do is the right thing for some reason.
It has come to me that all principals can be derived from one of two basic principals by which a human being may stand for. One, that life is good and two, that life is bad. From these two things we can derive all other principals.
The obvious wonders of the world are mostly discovered... Most of the wonders that are left can't be discovered by taking a walk or a long run, but they do still require a journey... It's still a journey that most people shun, that part hasn't changed. We search for the finer things... The things most will not believe are real until they're shown, just like most people didn't believe the world was round until someone showed them.
This article is written to express human ability where little credit is given. It seems our society would rather take a pill from outward and bring it inward than use what is already in side of us.
Besides this text above the line below, what was written here was a response to an article I was reading. I changed my approach many times. It didn't help that I was watching Thelma and Louise while typing. This article is basically a LOG of my thought process in regards the the aforementioned article.