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The Words: Flower
Articles mentioning "Flower".
In a flowers bloom - 2017-05-03 23:45:15
In a flowers bloom

Be Better Tomorrow - 2014-10-17 23:41:39
Serve water.

Smell Good Blogs - 2008-01-15 02:47:24
There is only a total of one hundred and seventy three blogs on the internet that actually smell good. I've taken the liberty and great pains upon myself to complete the great task of giving recognition to some of those blogs in alphabetical order, because it rubs the lotion on that way.

Sunflower Photograph - 2007-12-21 18:28:35
This is a baby blooming bright yellow sunflower! I know it's amazing, you don't have to tell me. With the Sanyo digital camera, the sun flower and I were very intimate.

Praying Mantis Eating Bumble Bee - 2007-08-14 15:50:47
While walking through our back yard, in Maryland, I thought I saw a bumble bee. I bent over and it was not a bee but a Praying Mantis, eating a bumble bee and it was already half way through!

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