Articles mentioning "Experiment".
A little Test of Concentration - 2008-08-03 08:21:11
I was diagnosed with add when I was younger. I slipped the ritalin pills in the trash can after just trying a few of them. My grades improved and respect from others increased, but my self respect withered along with my cherished daydreams. I knew society would see it as a bad choice, but to me it just made sense and I figured the only way I'll know for sure is to take the unsure road, without ritalin.

Mindset Mysteries - 2008-02-14 22:43:17
I've been experimenting with mindsets and observing outcomes of different mindsets in regards to confidence.

Alptraum Experimental Film - 2008-01-20 03:09:52
My friend Necroidian made this short film, he is an upcoming director in the world of awesome, something you probably know a thing or two about since you're here at

Self Sustaining Ecosystem - 2008-01-01 04:00:04
For a few years I performed an experiment. Something that as you get to know me more and more, and find myself doing more and more often.

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