Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when session is active in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php:5) in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 6 The Words: Dark
It has come to me that all principals can be derived from one of two basic principals by which a human being may stand for. One, that life is good and two, that life is bad. From these two things we can derive all other principals.
Batman, the Dark Knight lost a video tape... Lost it in a fire... Sorry for the bad quality... This was the best it could be reconstructed due to the fire damage.
This marks article number TWO HUNDRED!~!! I'm excited to the point where my dark soul smiled a little bit over my hard work and achievement. Just kidding, my soul is not dark, at least, I hope not.
Preventing Comment Spam" That's what Google says they're trying to do with the - rel="nofollow" - tags for HTML links. They even give an example of what they're talking about referring to links with text of "discount pharmaceuticals."