Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when session is active in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 5
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php:5) in /home/chexed5/public_html/includes/sessions.php on line 6 The Words: Blogs
There is only a total of one hundred and seventy three blogs on the internet that actually smell good.
I've taken the liberty and great pains upon myself to complete the great task of giving recognition to some of those blogs in alphabetical order, because it rubs the lotion on that way.
I like cheese, it's one of my favorite edible things, so I decided to make a little video about it. As you'll see in the video though, things are a little complicated and I seem to of had a tough time sharing my opinions about cheese.