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The Words: Blind
Articles mentioning "Blind".
See things differently inspiring video - 2014-12-06 17:57:25
It's amazing how understanding something a little differently can help you see more than you ever thought was there.

Mouse for the Sight-impared - 2011-04-11 23:29:05
To sum up the idea, when people move their mouse, depending where their mouse is (and what the pointer is on), different sounds will be made. Internal mechanics could also be utilized to allow touch sensory involvement too, though mechanics tend to make products too expensive sometimes, so it's not nearly as important (at first).

Mister Fred Rogers PBS - 2008-08-19 14:02:25
When I was little I used to watched Mister Rodgers on PBS and I enjoyed it. Now that I've got a little one of my own, I'm watching Mr. Rogers all over again! I can't say that I'm as entertained as before, but it's easy to feel relaxed watching it with my kid.

Seeing for the Blind - 2008-05-15 07:32:59
I've been trying to figure out a way to give sight to the blind using technology. Though it may seem like a far fetched idea, thankfully, I'm not the only one giving it some thought.

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