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The Words: American
Articles mentioning "American".
A Discussion Regarding Indian Racism - 2014-06-12 21:07:33
It started with a news article honoring Navajo windtalkers from WWII at a football game. It was seen as exploitative and racist by some.

Birdman Brothers Forever Song - 2008-01-16 22:41:55
I heard an awesome song on American Idol, We're Brother's Forever by the Bird Man. This song is awesome because it's different. It was sung with undoubted passion and the choice of lyrics was great, in my opinion. The Bird Mans name is actually Renaldo Lapuz and he's from Reno, Nevada.

Your Band Las Vegas Sponsored by 98Rock Fox45 - 2007-07-19 22:18:41
Sponsored by 89Rock and FOX45 News, You could win an audition and a trip to Las Vegas for your band. They have all of the rules on their website, and we've got some extra tid bits here.

George W Bush Is The Root Of All Evil - 2007-06-28 18:33:34
This is a political poem that expresses my feelings about George Bush and how evil I believe he is!

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